Elon Musk is a snake oil salesman

No.13353021 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>FSD never happened and never will.
>Tesla cars already hit a technological dead end in 2020 and are no longer learning anything.
>Going to mars: objectively retarded, extremely dangerous and unproductive. It will NEVER happen.
>Electric solar Tiles: Literally a scam where you will never offset your initial costs, EVER.
>Tunnels: Scammier than solar tiles and 10x times more useless
>Mind reading: an absolute joke no one cares about except a bunch of 20 y.o. ML enthusiasts
>Now pretends to tamper into the nuclear fusion business, which has been remarkably tagged as an absolute failure left and right
>Electric supersonic plane: .............. do I even have to say anything
>Company is in so bad shape that TOYOTA had to lend them a hand through a partnership.
>Makes a killing selling carbon credits, not so much selling cars
>F-150 is already RAPING Tesla in the ass

Name a single to reason to buy anything from this modern era scammer, I'll wait.