Wtf why is it rising like that?
No.13351544 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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If we assume that this is because of environmental factors out of, which having a faggot family member is a significant [1], then how the fuck can we counter this growth?
It's not healthy having a population full of retards that believe they're special or that what they're doing is right because it's natural , cannibalism and pedophilia are natural but you don't see me advocating for the decriminalization of either.
>b-but no one gets hurt
the mere act of being attracted to your same sex (while repulsive) isn't an issue, it's the accompanying consequences:
>higher domestic abuse rates [2]
>victimization subculture [3]
>self induced mental illness [4]
>higher std percentage in your demographic [5]
And the list goes on and on so let's cut the bullshit. How can we stop it? How can we raise our children to be normal (yes, NORMAL) socially speaking?
>[3] trivial, proof is left as an excercise
>[4] (there is little support for any of these being actually caused by discrimination)
> [5] see [3], use the anal lubrication theorem
It's not healthy having a population full of retards that believe they're special or that what they're doing is right because it's natural , cannibalism and pedophilia are natural but you don't see me advocating for the decriminalization of either.
>b-but no one gets hurt
the mere act of being attracted to your same sex (while repulsive) isn't an issue, it's the accompanying consequences:
>higher domestic abuse rates [2]
>victimization subculture [3]
>self induced mental illness [4]
>higher std percentage in your demographic [5]
And the list goes on and on so let's cut the bullshit. How can we stop it? How can we raise our children to be normal (yes, NORMAL) socially speaking?
>[3] trivial, proof is left as an excercise
>[4] (there is little support for any of these being actually caused by discrimination)
> [5] see [3], use the anal lubrication theorem