Ranked for the highest value to society:
>1. Biomedical Engineers (Everyone's first priority is not dying)
>2. Civil Engineers (Literally designs and implements the backbones of our society)
>3. Petroleum Engineers (Will be eventually forgotten, but has always and is currently necessary for societies energy needs)
>4. Electrical Engineers (If it turns on and off, they've touched it)
>5. Chemical Engineers (Developing and applying atomic science used to transform our society)
>6. Mechanical Engineers (If it moves, they've touched it)
>7. Everything Else (not mentioned.)
Ranked for intellect required to major:
>1. Electrical Engineering (Easy barrier of entry, have fun learning literal black magic)
>2. Petroleum Engineering (Basically Mechanical Engineering but you're also learning how to be a geologist/accountant so as to know how to correctly bury all the extra money you're about to make.)
>3. Computer Engineering (Basically EE but strip out some foundation courses and implement computer science, even middle schoolers are learning how to code these days, placed second.)
>4. Chemical Engineering (Used to be 1st but is now becoming dominated by female pre-meds switching majors as they meet most prereqs, subsequently the bar to at many universities has been lowered so as to not have their records reflect huge dropouts/flunks.)
>5. Mechanical Engineering (Jack-of-All trades engineer requiring a vast and solid memory, but never really dives deep into STEM subdisciplines other than physics.)
>6. Biomedical Engineering (Easy barrier of entry, if you keep your head down you will make it.)
>7. Everything Else (not mentioned.)
Ranked for who can design/build the coolest shit:
>1. Mechanical Engineering (From nano-tech to catapults. Literally Iron-Man with student loans.)
>2. Chemical Engineering (Clandestine labs to Black market WMD's, scary potentials.)
>3. Aeronautical Engineers. (Common, it flies. Sometimes it flies into space.)
>4. cont.
>1. Biomedical Engineers (Everyone's first priority is not dying)
>2. Civil Engineers (Literally designs and implements the backbones of our society)
>3. Petroleum Engineers (Will be eventually forgotten, but has always and is currently necessary for societies energy needs)
>4. Electrical Engineers (If it turns on and off, they've touched it)
>5. Chemical Engineers (Developing and applying atomic science used to transform our society)
>6. Mechanical Engineers (If it moves, they've touched it)
>7. Everything Else (not mentioned.)
Ranked for intellect required to major:
>1. Electrical Engineering (Easy barrier of entry, have fun learning literal black magic)
>2. Petroleum Engineering (Basically Mechanical Engineering but you're also learning how to be a geologist/accountant so as to know how to correctly bury all the extra money you're about to make.)
>3. Computer Engineering (Basically EE but strip out some foundation courses and implement computer science, even middle schoolers are learning how to code these days, placed second.)
>4. Chemical Engineering (Used to be 1st but is now becoming dominated by female pre-meds switching majors as they meet most prereqs, subsequently the bar to at many universities has been lowered so as to not have their records reflect huge dropouts/flunks.)
>5. Mechanical Engineering (Jack-of-All trades engineer requiring a vast and solid memory, but never really dives deep into STEM subdisciplines other than physics.)
>6. Biomedical Engineering (Easy barrier of entry, if you keep your head down you will make it.)
>7. Everything Else (not mentioned.)
Ranked for who can design/build the coolest shit:
>1. Mechanical Engineering (From nano-tech to catapults. Literally Iron-Man with student loans.)
>2. Chemical Engineering (Clandestine labs to Black market WMD's, scary potentials.)
>3. Aeronautical Engineers. (Common, it flies. Sometimes it flies into space.)
>4. cont.