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>Trusting Chinks
I wouldn't even trust a Chink with a penny.
In fact I'd trust a Jew with a penny before a Chink. The Jew will return the penny to me in hope to gain my trust and steal a dollar from from me later, he might even give me interests in the penny.
But not the Chink.
The Chink will steal the penny and run away as hard as he can. And since they're like a billion of them and they all look the same you'll never find him again. Their philosophy is that it's better to have a penny today than a dollar tomorrow. This has been bred into their DNA by eons of being conquered and ruled by other people. Will I really be able to earn that dollar tomorrow? What if there's another famine? What if my dad sells me out to the CCP? Better sell him out first. They will scramble to get anything to can get today like a bunch of locusts because it might not be there anymore tomorrow. This behavior can be seen in the modern Negro as well, except that they have higher IQs. They're really nothing more than a bunch of upstart nouveau riche peasants while Negros never even got to agriculture.