>>12043189Humans should not go into space. The distance between the Earth and the Sun is 2,857,949,000 miles (4.547x10^9), which makes it a long way to travel if one wishes to reach another star system of interest for exploration or colonization purposes. It would be far easier to just colonize planets that orbit other stars within our own solar system. Also, human beings are too fragile to withstand the rigors of space travel. As we have seen in hundreds of science-fiction movies and TV shows, humans would not be able to survive the acceleration required for an Earth spacecraft to reach escape velocity.
The spacecraft itself would need to be incredibly large, and I suppose with state-of-the art technology we could create something that is capable of transporting humans into space. But what about the spaceship's crew? What happens if a meteor hits it? The crew dies. Also, let's suppose for the sake of argument that humans can somehow build a large spacecraft capable of transporting human beings to another star system. Once they arrive, what do they do? The planet will be completely foreign and alien to them.
Furthermore, in a hypothetical scenario where humans somehow survive the rigors of space travel and successfully colonize another planet, we must consider what happens if they ever visit Earth. Because human beings are too fragile to withstand deep-space travel, as outlined above.
So, on the one hand we have a human civilization that exists in space, and which would be completely cut off from Earth. On the other hand we have a human civilization living on Earth. The humans living in space might want to visit their 'home' planet at some point.