>>14412000yes, wikipedia is one of the outlets which keeps repeating the transparent falsehood about CO2 being a greenhouse gas. wikipedia is a tightly controlled propaganda outlet masquerading as an "anyone can edit" online encyclopedia, its is not a bellwether of truth and neither are any other popular popsci msm media sources.
why do you even bother letting cnn and wikipedia filter information from you when you can get that information directly? wikipedia and the gang constantly flatter you with "you're smart and destined for success because you believe our lies" and you fall for it and choose to believe their lies instead of the blatantly obvious truth that CO2 is in much higher concentration in mars' atmosphere than it is on earth and mars has no significant measurable greenhouse effect, so CO2 cannot be a greenhouse gas. wikipedia throws in the
>noooooooooo!!! CO2 is still a greenhouse gas because reasons OK, chud?!?!but that isn't science, its just bullshit. CO2 is not a greenhouse gas. if CO2 requires the presence of other gasses for a greenhouse effect to appear then that means that its those other gasses causing the greenhouse effect, not CO2, because CO2 doesn't cause the greenhouse effect on Mars.
if CO2 in isolation doesn't cause the greenhouse effect and CO2 requires the presences of other gasses to cause the greenhouse effect then CO2 is not a greenhouse gas, if a mixture of gasses containing some CO2 presents a greenhouse effect that does not mean that CO2 is the cause of that greenhouse effect. if CO2 caused a greenhouse effect then it would show in measurements of the atmosphere of Mars, which i does not, Mars has no greenhouse effect so CO2 cannot be a greenhouse gas. Makes no difference if wikipedia says it, even it if the say it in bold text an all caps with exclamation points for emphasis, CO2 will still not be a greenhouse gas. it never will be a greenhouse gas in the future, CO2 was never a greenhouse gas in the past