>>14405304blahblahblah you talk like a fag. seriously man, men or boys don't NEED women, what we NEED are friends. or even just one friend. this is what keeps us from going insane. we need at least one friend. even if that friend isnt perfect you need someone you can be honest with... the reason this is so hard for you to see is because your brain is horny from all the webwhores... if you abstained you would realize you dont think of women except when the whores wear their skimpy clothes in front of you...
>>14405362what you need to realize is that yes, women will say they only like men a certain height if you ask them or this is what they think. however women are WEAK creatures VERY EMOTIONALLY MALLEABLE so even if they initially should reject some manlet on the club initially after 3 drinks they may end up giving the dude a blowjob because the dude doesnt give a fuck and she gets her fe-fees. this is the same situation if you meet her through some non-drunk social setting...
in short, yes it helps to be tall(anough) but it doesnt really matter if you workout and doesnt have a complex and can carry a conversation and isnt a bore. if you are just give up.