>>14403566there is a huge programmer shortage in middle europe where i come from, maybe also in your country. So one can leverage that easily. Especially fianance in my country has problems hiring techies i guess because stigma, theyd rather go to a start up.
just become good at programming, fortunately theres not a lot of credentialism in programming. do great real-world-level projects for your portfolio (i did go-written rest apis that calculate kpis from cashflow, all hooked up to a neat react frontend, all hosted on Azure; I also did a Python-Django based CRUD app, cloud-hosted)
My portal to learning finance was a bit odd. I love day trading and that was my portal to learn more serious stuff like monetary theory, financial structuring, asset management, transaction management, fund management
then also be great at presenting/writing so you can sell yourself well. I am naturally gifted at that so didnt struggle with that but saw it is important.
Also if you go into a conservative field like finance you cannot be a c00mer walking around with a t shirt being all anti social. They expect a guy in a dress shirt with leather shoes and a good hair cut. That transition was honestly the hardest for me lol