>>14398840>Which has always interested me, the whole meme about "they're talking to me through the T.V." why is is that, just like the Oracles who said that it was Apollo speaking through them, do schizos attribute the voice to something beyond them. Mediumship too. The idea of Daimons and Muses.Speaking for myself, there is something that my mind does to my field of vision, that shapes patterns as if the light from that object takes a different path than the one you hard materialist minded people seem to think it does.
So its a wave of energy and vibration in my vision that takes shape, and the patterns of objects on the other side of empty space, also morph into these shapes. Its as if the universe is telling a story about itself through mundane objects and references, that I have to pay attention to in order to notice.
To me, its really the same thing when I close my eyes. Within the same 'space' that I observe objects, is my own mind when my eyes are closed. So basically, I think its my brain creating some kind of virtual holographic overlay within my neural pathways that influences the signaling and perception of light and space from which arise the sensory objects. I can consciously manipulate that space. In my mind, that appears as dreaming, with open eyes, it appears as moving standing waves of slow photonic energy around and manipulating it into shapes and symbols.
When I want to the universe to communicate stuff to me, I cease my projective manipulations, and try to make my mind subtle and still, so that external energetic phenomena can create ripples in my cognitive field which I can interpret in various ways, such as visual sonar/radar, symbolic imagery, and auditory vibrations.
It seems to me, that this mental condition wasn't at all accidental, that the universe and life itself intentionally created this condition. These perceptions heavily tie into my feelings of life itself.