Shock result in particle experiment could spark physics revolution
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>Scientists just outside Chicago have found that the mass of a sub-atomic particle is not what it should be.
>The measurement is the first conclusive experimental result that is at odds with one of the most important and successful theories of modern physics.
>The team has found that the particle, known as a W boson, is more massive than the theories predicted.
>The result has been described as "shocking" by Prof David Toback, who is the project co-spokesperson.
>The discovery could lead to the development of a new, more complete theory of how the Universe works.
>"If the results are verified by other experiments, the world is going to look different." he told BBC News. "There has to be a paradigm shift. The hope is that maybe this result is going to be the one that breaks the dam.
>Scientists just outside Chicago have found that the mass of a sub-atomic particle is not what it should be.
>The measurement is the first conclusive experimental result that is at odds with one of the most important and successful theories of modern physics.
>The team has found that the particle, known as a W boson, is more massive than the theories predicted.
>The result has been described as "shocking" by Prof David Toback, who is the project co-spokesperson.
>The discovery could lead to the development of a new, more complete theory of how the Universe works.
>"If the results are verified by other experiments, the world is going to look different." he told BBC News. "There has to be a paradigm shift. The hope is that maybe this result is going to be the one that breaks the dam.