>>14400042>a rule that generally holdsA rule you just made up, you mean, because that single screencap allegedly from a study which tells us nothing about methodology or anything at all doesn't even actually say anything close to what you apparently think it says. You're fitting a square peg in a round hole because you already believe that height, frame, and face are the only things that matter to women. You simply repeat that you're right like a mantra instead of engaging with counter-arguments.
>>14400044Ironic. You're just regurgitating incel common sense. I'm speaking from actual experience, which you lack.
So, to recap, what the study purportedly says:
>People with higher physical attractiveness were also judged as more verbally intelligentWhat you people think it says:
>women are solely attracted to height, face, frameIt doesn't even say "women" lol, it says "people"