>>13626812it's impossible for capitalism to be abolished
what needs to be done is what's already being done, reduction of transaction costs which fundamentally depends of information cost
the more advanced, efficient and accessible the private sector becomes due to cheaper information, the closer we get to the end of the State, yes, the State will disappear due to people simply ignoring it, it doesnt matter if youre a communist or a conservative, you will use libertarian tools in the end (as seen with twitter's ceo getting interested in libertarianism and bitcoin)
how that relates to media? thwir attempts to support laws against "fake news" and central fact checking should indicate the obvious, they rely on information control to keep their narrative, they get the help of politicians and associations too because a politician can never admit being wrong at any point of their career
so, cheaper information between doctors and researchers would nullify the problem of the horse dewormer psyop and villification of covid treatments in general
proof of that is the fact scihub papers get more sharing and discussion, simply due to them being free for all to look and analyze