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Think about this:
-it’s going to take years before we have a vaccine against COVID
-2 months later: in less then 6 months we will have multiple vaccines
-we are only going to vaccinate the elderly and people in a risk group
-2 months later: everyone should get the vaccine except young people
-you need 2 shots instead of 1
-even young people need to get vaccinated
-you can stop wearing a mask when fully vaccinated
-1 month later: you have to wear a mask again, even when fully vaccinated
-let’s keep spreading false data about the % of people vaccinated so the ones who didn’t, get peer pressured into getting one
-you will need a 3rd shot to stay safe
-your pets can get and spread covid, vaccinate them
-you are only safe for a few weeks after recovering from covid
-few months later: you are actually 99%+ immune to covid for over a year after recovering
-the list goes on...
I am not antivax, I just got vaxxed for tetanus, but I will not take a “vaccine” that barely passes the definition of a vaccine, is not been properly tested and nobody knows the effects over a longer period of time.