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Guys, I have broken out of my comfort zone and genuinely tried my best doing the online Mensa Norway IQ test. I tried it 3 times total, in order:
1. Half-assedly answered only the patterns I could make out within 10 seconds of seeing them, and checked out at 20/35 (didn't even look into the patterns beyond #20). Got 97 IQ. GOT WORRIED.
2. Similar to attempt #1 but I made it to pattern #25 and then hastedily skipped patterns after that and only answered 2 patterns beyond 25, got 105 IQ.
3. The genuine attempt, where I sat and really tried to squeeze my head and do it FOR real. I ran out of time before I could finish it. I skipped patterns too hard to solve (patterns I failed to answer: (12/25/27/29/30/32/33/34/35). I answered the rest with the best of my ability. Ran out of time and got 110 IQ, 75% percentile.
Didn't cheat, or do any IQ tests similar to Norway Mensa's during that period. The only patterns I already recongized during my third attempt were ones I have always answered correctly, so the ones I ignored in previous attempts were answered genuinely without the aid of memory or looking the answer up.
How bad is that? Can I go to university and get a degree in Pharmacy? Won't do research, I'd probably teach, run a community pharmacy or manafacture meds.
Could my IQ be higher than 110?