>>13469277Fuck you, you dumb fuck. I come from a long line of morticians, let me educate you
It was only in the last 100 years that relatively well-off cultures grew a stupid meme that ordinary people should be embalmed and buried in ornate fucking caskets.
For 100s of years these stupid fucks paid my family millions of dollars to inject formaldehyde and plastic into their dead bodies and sell their families overpriced ostentatious caskets covered in urethane and made out of wood stolen from tropical rainforests.
And the result of all this was the poisoning of the soil, for the stupidity and egoism of people who were aping the mythology of illiterate Egyptians from 3000 BC.
The fact you own a cat (cat owns you, akchually) goes back to the aping ancient Egyptians too, But here you think muh ceremony means something (FAKE spirituality) and the dressing (plastic bag) is just external Embalming (literal retard), all of it shrouded in fake legitimacy (muh feelings).
In the end you took your trash and buried it, that is all you've done. When you do the same to a human it is the same. It is interfering with the organic chemistry of soil recycling. Its littering. Its pollution. You are a fucking idiot, and so are all other cat owners, but that is a subject for a different thread. You won't do anything about this, because you are a waste of a human life, psychologically stunted, and immature modern-day ignoramous whos behavior is merely a affirmation that some people have no free will or ideas of their own, it is all just aping