>>3777307I don't have a leg/foot fetish, but sometimes I see art of shotas with legs that look so good that make me want to massage them. Same with tummies.
>>3777179>>3777406I have never seen a shotacon, artist or fan, engage in and argument over what constitutes a shota for more than 5 posts. Typically the arguments go like this:
>somebody shares a pic of an exceptionally tall, muscular or chubby boy>another person says "hey that's not a shota!">1st poster says "yes it is, it's tagged as shota on [site]">2nd poster goes "whatever, you're a fag" and shotaposting continues as usualUsually these lengthy discussions about broad concepts happen on loli threads, and on /a/'s threads in special. There's no day where at least one lolifag doesn't complain about how X character is not a loli because reasons or demands that only a very specific kind of lolis are posted.
>>3777385>>3777506Really appreciated. More people should include source links or artist names when sharing art from Twitter, Baraag and other platforms that aren't normally indexed by SauceNAO. You have no idea how difficult can be to search them when Google and company only index the timelines of people who at some point reacted to the original post submitted by an artist that may have uploaded the pic months or years ago. At least with pics with Pixiv filenames it's easy to get the original post, since you only need to add the number of the pic at the end of a link:
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/[number minus the "_pX" goes here]