>>3705412Weibo is the Chinese equivalent to Twitter, but it is a huge pain in the ass to use if you are a foreigner. It only lets you go back a few months through a user's feed without having an account, and you can't make an account unless you have a Chinese cellphone number. There is an international version available on mobile, but it's not ideal. If I am really desperate to save a weibo user's fanart will find the images I want on the mobile app, use the sharing function to learn the image id tag, and then copy that tag to the end of this url:
https://m.weibo.cn/status/[ID#]. That way you can save it onto desktop at the highest resolution.
Then there is Lofter, which I think is kind of like Chinese Tumblr. It has more of a blogging layout, and people use it to build galleries. Images posted there tend to have a lot less compression than Weibo, which always looks like it shreds pictures through a meat grinder. Lofter also wants you to have an account, but it's terribly designed, and if you open an image it will briefly flash the full resolution on the screen before cucking you with the login page. If you are fast enough with your right clicks you can save things no problem.
A huge amount of Chinese artists just use Twitter via VPNs, so unless you are a weird fanart completionist like me you probably won't need to go to either of those sites. And, obviously, there is some good art on Pixiv too. It's worth browsing Tumblr for the few decent western artists, as well. If you are looking for official art, most of if has been re-uploaded onto Zerochan in high res.