>>3569056-Is there anything else you had to pay attention to when voice acting?
Kiyokawa: In the time the story took to complete I aged quite a few years so
I think it made voicing the character more difficult for me. But I feel it's precisely because Shin is the culmination of all those years that my emotional investment in playing the role of Fuyutsuki grew as strong as it did.
-You have voiced Fuyutsuki for over 25 years now, do you have any final thoughts on his character you'd like to share with us?
Kiyokawa: I'm thankful I got to keep playing the role these past 25 years since the
TV Series. It's entirely thanks to all the staff and fans who kept supporting the franchise all this time.
I myself have a strong attachment to Eva, it's an important work to me - so I'm a little
sad to see it ending. That's why I put all my feelings up to now into voicing the role
one last time. I hope Eva continues to live on in everyone's hearts.
Please enjoy watching the film, everyone.
Motomu Kiyokawa
Born in Tokyo. Leading roles in "Mobile Suit Gundam" (Tem Ray),
"Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water" (Gargoyle), and "Time of Eve" (Shimei).