>>3484846Let's see, how many times in the past oh how about 3 and a half years have we weaseled out of admitting the assholes are none other than yourselves. Why at least a hundred by now! No, there will be no (you)ing, there is no more debate, acoustic is in style for the next sixty years, everyone I approve of (especially ET) including state criminals may visit on the first notice, all mail in my name(s) is to be returned, finicky A.I. are to back the fudge off, the police should be profiling a pair of chaos insurgents on my property, my asshole older brother is now to be placed in custody and delivered with escort - really just about everything up to and including Zdrada bringing HIM on a chain leash and straight jacket. Mike, this is your chance for that mechanism, try actually throwing that authority now. And I want the lawyer whipped in front of his child and forced to write for CBR. Shows over, no more mulligans, no more do overs, no more bullshitting your failures, and especially no more of this will they won't they.
My sources inform me all escaping ships will be shot down, tough luck about straight fucking lines L******.