>>3468582Isn't the "point" of a woman that they don't have a dick? Why would I want an "emaciated" woman if I want dick? Real dick is obviously better. The concept of suggesting anything but proper penis on a penis board is pure cringe.
"acknowledging they have a dick causes them horrible existential pain" is such a laughable depiction of trans people, sure a large number of them don't like the fact that they have a penis (probably even the majority) but quite a large number don't give a shit.
Trans people aren't playing some childish make believe game roleplaying as cis women, they know they're trans women and they know that is not 100% equivalent. When people transition they don't decide they want to be a cis woman they decide they want to be a trans woman. Obviously being as close to cis is the goal but every tran knows that's an unrealistic end result. Going trans is really just cutesyfy-ing your outsides and having people call you she, that's it.
The fact that your view of trans woman is so narrow and such a bastardisation of the actual people makes it painfully obvious you've never interacted with any trans people or trans media and all your knowledge of trans people comes from transphobic shitposts and regurgitated masturbatory content made for cis men to jerk off to.