If I may interject in this shitpost of a thread, feminine men are incredibly high quality, but only under one condition that most people here seem to forget- they still look MALE.
I've always wondered. How can you say that you love feminine men if none of their traits are masculine? Take Felix/Astolfo in example. Purely feminine, even in personality. If they didn't have a dick, no one would care about them, but the fact they do leads to people's perverted minds being sucked in by a fetish of GIRLS with dicks. They are not men, and honestly I don't like seeing them on /cm/. It's disgusting. Characters like
>>3358111 are really pushing the limits here, it wouldn't be crazy to say it's an outright trap, but they're still holding onto just the tiniest bit of the male figure it can be arguably acceptable.
Men like pic related are clearly hot, and yet feminine men. Long hair, gorgeous eyes, slim bodies, etc. Everything captures the essence of beauty that women and some men possess, but ignores some of the rougher traits that can sometimes hinder a physical design. God it hurts me this aesthetic can't be achieved in rl, we'll never get to have gorgeous feminine bfs(not trannies).
>>3361014This is kinda gross though ngl