>>3345752I think is exactly that, all the japanese trailers gave it away in both dialog and visuals. Also that one NHK documentary.
The Burnish are basically all emotionally unstable people who explode into flames when they reach their limit, the flames don't hurt them but they cause destruction and apparently there was a huge global catastrophe in which half the world was consumed in a huge Burnish fire.
So I guess that's where Kray enters with his extermination propaganda and the Burning Rescue and the whole "The Earth is going to blow up thanks to the burnish" plot. I bet that by the end the big secret is that Burnish is not a race appart but that anyone can turn into a Burnish.
I would say Promare is about mental health and the prejudice held against people dealing with it, is not very subtle but I haven't watched the movie so I may also be completely wrong.