>>3766748His argument is that some people enjoy young nude bodies for non-sexual motives, and while it's difficult to imagine due to how western societies (specially those influenced by anglos) see nudity as something inherently sexual, it's certainly possible and relatively common in other cultures.
>finding shotas sexually attractive makes you a pedophileWhile that's true (pedophilia consists on the sexual attraction towards children), you're wrongly assuming that anon and everyone ITT only have sexual interest in shotas/little boys, when there can be a multitude of motives to like them, from finding their appearance "cute" in a non-sexual way, seeing in shotas a memory of their own childhood, thinking their personalities and appearance are cool or funny, or simply liking them as part of a nice picture. It's foolish to put the same tag on everyone, specially in complex topics like sexuality, romantic interests and physical attraction.