>>>/v/610164072>>>/v/610164524>>>/v/610165683Supposedly a guy contacted ArcSys and asked them about Bridget's gender and the company responded saying that Bridget is an otokonoko ("man/boy daughter" in the machine translation), and that in the arcade mode's ending he basically accepts that he's a trap and gets over being mistaken for a girl. According to another anon, these machine translations put male and female pronouns at random based on the context of the text because in Japanese pronouns are rarely used in the same way they are in English (
>>>/v/610174539), and that you should focus on the moonrunes instead.
Some people claim that these emails are fake because reasons, but honestly I wish this discussion doesn't continue after this post. I'm so goddamn tired of seeing /v/erming argue without end over Bridget, and I don't want to see the same mess here. If you want to celebrate or debunk this, do it on /v/ and leave this thread in peace.