The Earth Used To Be a Sun. A star.

No.91904 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Cosmologists rightly observe that we are made of stardust.

They will soon realize the earth used to be a star.

Like it was the sun before our sun was the sun.

So whoever used to believe that the sun revolves around the earth was technically correct.

The sun used to be one of earth’s planets.

Recall that the earth is the densest body in the known universe. Besides Sam Harris’ beliefs. Wink.

Oh and Mercury used to be a sun. It is the second densest object in the known universe, next to Joe Rogan.

Planets result from stars when the hydrogen gets fully converted to the heavy elements (nucloegenesis). It is a very straightforward but time consuming process.

I know once earth used to be hot but did it really used to circle around sun??

It still does. But when the earth was a star (sun) the current sun was just a run of gas around earth much like a very distant ring of Saturn.

Wild to think about right?