Will it get better?

No.10022763 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I can't be the only one who feels like they're a spectator to society, like you're
standing on the outside while team "right" is fighting team "left". I can see both sides
but it's like they're just wasting time while life continues to move on, society will move on, we will move on while these people will just continue to yell and moan and fight and bicker and about the same problems forever in a cycle.

We're all brains in these bodies here on earth living out our lives generation after generation, in the future some of us will be able to leave this planet, and their offspring will leave our solar system and live on in another galaxy while we're long gone. Why are we so bad as a race when it comes to long term thinking? Sorry english isn't my first languange, why have we always been so bad at thinking as one race?