No.10000124 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The IQ meme is the only thing in 4chan history to really get to me.

I've always done well in education but I worry so much about my IQ. Why fucking bother doing anything when Wolfram or Tao could do it in a tenth of the time?

I want to learn maths and science in my free time but I procrastinate partly because whenever I get stuck I worry that my IQ is too low to do anything worthwhile

And now the IQ meme infects every aspect of my life, not just maths etc. So if I eat too much junk food when I told myself I wouldn't, I worry that it's due to low IQ. When I can't bear giving more structure to my life (goals, deadlines, schedules etc.) I worry it's because of a low IQ.

It's not that I notice my stupidity or can't function in the everyday world. I can spot bullshit and logical fallacies and so on. But I just lose all fucking motivation when there are inevitably people out there who are smarter than me or luckier than me or both. Why even bother?