Hot water

No.12250232 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My Asian mom shared this pasta with me via Whatsapp. Is that true? :

A group of Japanese doctors has confirmed that HOT WATER is 100% effective in solving certain health problems SUCH AS:
>Low blood pressureJoint pain
>Sudden increase and decrease in heartbeat
>Increase in cholesterol levels
>Bodily galling
>Golu pain
>Uterine and bladder related diseases
>Stomach problems
>Low appetite
>Also all diseases related to the eyes, ear and throat.


Get up early in the morning and drink about 4 glasses of warm water on an empty stomach. You may not be able to drink 4 glasses at first, but over time you will get there.
NOTE: Do not eat anything within 45 minutes of taking the water.
Warm water therapy will solve health problems within a reasonable period of time such as:
>Diabetes in 30 days
>Press artwork in 30 days
>Stomach problems in 10 days
>All types of cancer in 9 months
>Whitening of the veins in 6 months
>Low appetite in 10 days
>Uterus and related diseases in 10 days
>Nostril, ear and throat problems in 10 days
>Menstrual problems of women in 15 days
>Heart disease in 30 days
>Headache / *migraine in 3 days
>Cholesterol in 4 months
>Epilepsy and paralysis continuous in 9 months
>Asthma in 4 months
