I'm the 10+ years at drawing anon

No.5455386 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Worse than the schizo at skill levels.

Anyways don't meme me, I need only a direction, nobody wants to help me.

Please I /beg/ you.

I can't understand anatomy.

I have problems making the eyes.

I don't understand how to control line quality.
(Thickness of lines)

Don't understand light and shadow, even though I have read and watched tutorials on it.
(My paintings look like what a toddler would make)

I've read the sticky.

Done Loomis, Proko, ctrl paint, Keys to drawing, perspective made easy, Hampton's figure drawing and practiced it.

But I don't get it, I know I have to think in 3d and feel the form, but whenever I have to sketch, my mind blocks itself and can't do jack shit.

I know I have to think in volumes, simple shapes, but it just doesn't come naturally in my drawings, either from realism or anime.

And I have serious problems on making anime eyes (and also realistic eyes, they always look off)

I'm 40 years old btw.

So help me, and maybe, you know, I don't know.....
I won't come here again, but please help me I am so lost.