No.5036301 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Had a heavy black pill today. There are other fuckers out there who need to read this. Call me a crab if you want to just take the bluepill and live in a fantasy

>age doesn't matter, but the power and freedom you have do. That's why starting when your a teen joke is such a big thing. You usually have the most control over your time and finances with the least responsibility to others in this time. its the only time you can make aggressive progress unhindered by financial needs.
>Without proper financial support, you will never succeed. If you come from anything other than upper class, you will never succeed. If you had a bad home life and never learned proper life skills from your parents, you will never succeed
>if you are only doing art part-time, it will take you an extra year to do what can be learned in a month by others. You won't make it till you're too old, and it will be too late. you will be 35 painting like an 18-year-old.
>the moment you say that you are an artist while you're doing something other than making art, you've already lost
>if you are out of shape, the negative ramifications on your body gimp your art
>You're only useful if your art can sell, and you're only worthy of love if you can make money. If you aren't making money and people are still saying they love you, it's out of obligation, not genuine.
>You will never have someone(spouse, family, friend) truly appreciate the challenges and sacrifices you have to put yourself under that are necessary to grow as an artist
>to succeed you will have to alienate these people from your life, but if you don't succeed, they will leave you for more interesting and successful people
>You are only as good as your final piece of work. If your last piece of finished work was from over a week ago, it's already invalid