i used to like this place

No.4470639 ViewReplyOriginalReport
every 3-4 weeks i come back, hoping y'all are doing good, really focusing on art, but all i get is more shit.

I saw the same threads again and again.
>haha this artists better than this one
>rant about X artist
>how do i draw
>porn good
>porn bad
>how do i make money
>how do i lean this
>i cant draw
>i draw like shit but i not gonna fix my problems
>i draw like shit and is not only the industry fault, but yours too
>le soul/spark meme

and is funny how the more time passes, less people critique others, less people draw. I dont get how people on alt, nsfw, trad or anime study have the audacity of call out people and send them to beg, when thats the most consistent thread in this board, yall dont stop talking shit about spark, but you lack everything.

What i hate the most from you is how aparently no one here have eyes, because you cant tell what is wrong with your piece, but when another anon post, you become literally da vinci and critique everything on it, even the smallest detail.

I constantly think about people who make it, at some point they stopped posting on this crab bucket, because there is no point on posting your art here or trying to help someone.... because y'all will NEVER MAKE IT