Alternative Art/Stylization General

No.2174632 ViewReplyOriginalReport
"To any man who has slaved to acquire skill in his art, it is most irritating to have his ability referred to as a gift. Perhaps there is one genius in a hundred years or more who can achieve perfection by divine inspiration. I have never met such a man, and I do not know any successful artist who did not get there by the sweat of his brow."

Previous Thread: >>2159532

A general message to aspiring artists: "Lack of knowledge can be greater torture than the effort of acquiring it. When all is said and done, nature is your best instructor."

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make stylized work in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

>Fresh off the boat? Read the fucking sticky!
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Remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

/ic/: "Daily reminder that Artists can now make up to 20k biweekly"