No.99039138 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Barry, if 20 years in Iron Heights have taught me anything, it is that the true prison, the one you can't escape from, is the one inside your mind. And I've been in prison every day I spent with your mother. I've hated her since before you were born, Barry. Every day I left home, I thought about running and never looking back. I only didn't do it because you were still a kid and she could use you against me. But now you're an adult. Now you can walk on your own. Barry, the truth is I've never felt more free. I didn't kill your mother, but I sure am glad she is dead. The man who put me here has my gratitude. The horrors I face here are dreams compared to waking up next to her. This is my home now, and I wouldn't want it any other way. The last reminder of the hell I've been through is you, son. You have her eyes. I don't look at them because I'm ashamed. I do it because looking at them fills me with murderous rage. You should be glad there's protective Grass between us, kid. So, my advice to you is... Let it go. Run away. And never look back. Because I won't. For anyone. Specially not for you.

Whoa, what did Snyder mean by this?