John Romita Jr. Talks About Being Politically Incorrect

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>“She’s not a white person. She’s not an African-American. She’s a person of color from the South Pacific, of Polynesian descent,” Romita explained in the interview. “I adore Tahiti — I went there on many vacations — so I threw in the tattoos and I threw in the look. Anything to be different. And I was scrambling to do different stuff, and the editors and Dan liked the idea.”

>“We didn’t do the standard fare and fill all the diversity and PC gaps,” Romita Jr. insisted. “We just tried to do something slightly different.”

>Romita believes that The Silencer could be a first for comics. “I don’t know how many character of South Pacific descent are in comics, but I’d like to think she’s the first one,” he said.

>But in the interview, Romita continued to hammer home the point that just because he’s co-created a character who happens to be a woman of color, he would definitely not like to be considered “PC.”

>“The thought is that this woman is strong after what she’s been through, and she becomes a mother and a wife. She’s a bad-ass, but now she wants to concentrate on her family,” Romita explained. “I admire that for the idea, because that’s how you empower people — that’s how you empower a female character — is doing the thing that people think is not strong. Well, wait a minute! What’s wrong with being a mother and a wife? What’s wrong with being a father and a husband?”

>“So doing things converse to PC, I find fascinating,” Romita continued, before revealing his true aspirations. “As a matter of fact, I want to be the most un-PC person in all of comics. Let’s piss everybody off.”