No.97424753 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>At its commercial peak, Cerebus sold over thirty-five thousand copies an issue, easily the most successful self-published comic. Following issue 186 and Sim's ongoing diatribe against Feminism, his public arguments, and the increasing presence of his abrasive opinions in both the letters pages and the story pages of Cerebus, readership dwindled dramatically. By the series' conclusion, only about three thousand remained, with most former fans citing Sim's entwining of his ideas and himself with the main narrative as the reason the work had become unreadable, and the majority of the comics-reading world coming to the conclusion that Sim was a misogynist.

>Sim would contend that he is not a misogynist because he says that he does not hate women. He argues that he is simply an anti-Feminist, and in the world culture climate, such an opinion leads to vilification. But the specifics of his cosmology are deep and strange, and the prevailing opinion is that his rhetoric equates to hate-speech.

>Sim believes that, apart from a few "Exceptions," women are incapable of rational thought; that womanhood is a void that siphons male light and creative energy; that women are naturally inferior to men; that the advent of Feminism has led to many problems in western society, particularly Liberalism; that YHWH of the Hebrew Bible is not God but in fact God's female Adversary; and many more peculiar things. If he does not think this is misogyny, plenty will disagree.

>As he has transformed from a drinking, smoking, drug-consuming atheist to a celibate monotheist who fasts once a week and recites a 1,491-word prayer five times a day, Sims has come to believe in too many controversial things to list. But like Walt Whitman and Cerebus, Dave Sim and comic book readers contain multitudes. It's possible to disagree with him and still appreciate the artistic mastery on display in his work.
