NYCC X-Men Rumors

No.95776254 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Here are the four things I’m being told about the X-Men books from Marvel. None of them are supposition. Doesn’t mean they’re true.

>First, that New Mutants will return in April or May. The X-Men: New Mutants movie makes this a bit of a no-brainer, I guess, but will this affect X-Men: Blue or Generation X? That I don’t know.

>Uncanny X-Men to return as a series after Phoenix Resurrection finishes, also in 2018. This may be the rumour most in flux. It might mark the moment that ResurrXion moves on.

>Astonishing X-Men — it may be a maxi-series destined to end with issue 12, dealing with its own storyline regarding the Shadow King and a possible return of Professor Xavier, but this is now rumoured to be the title that sees Wolverine return. Charles Soule killed him off with The Death Of Wolverine, it’s only fair that his book be the one allowed to bring him back.

>The next big X-Men event will be focused on Legion. They may not have done much when the first series launched aside from slap a sticker on X-Men Legacy collections, but David Haller will provide the focus for whatever big X-event is to come in 2018.