No.95671644 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What the fuck happened?
How did this show take such a nosedive in quality in Season 3?

Yeah sure it was never perfect, we had a few weak episodes in the first two seasons (Like Ricksy Business and Get Schwifty) but these were still very enjoyable despite their shortcomings. Rick and Morty has always been a show with good writing-quality and depth.

Now we go look at Season 3, and rather than a few weak episodes, we have several absolutely abysmal ones. Zero jokes, incredibly boring plots, characters personalities that completely change. Episodes 2, 3, 4 and 9 were incredibly unfunny and badly written, often resorting to the most mindless forms of comedy (excessive repetition, poop jokes, shock-humor, etc.) to try and force a laugh out of the audience.

So let me ask again, what the fuck happened?