The Amazing World of GumBOMB

No.95517259 ViewReplyOriginalReport
New batch of episodes (Puppets included) arrived on the app.!kzAUWL4S!tMvHU_NpmBE4ZhpbYlcFeg

"The Petals"
>When Leslie's petals begin falling off he feels like his good looks are fading, Gumball and Darwin use everything they know about style and beauty to try and help him. The only problem is they know nothing about style or beauty. As Gumball and Darwin's methods become more extreme, Leslie questions whether he's prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for beauty.
"The Puppets"
>While searching the attic for items to put in their yard sale, Gumball and Darwin stumble upon a load of their old toys. Darwin is especially pleased when he finds his old puppets, Frank and Howdy. However, as Darwin starts playing with them again, Gumball gradually realizes that Frank and Howdy are actually playing with Darwin...
"The Nuisance"
>The Wattersons fear the worst when they are summoned to a Town Hall meeting, but are pleasantly surprised when they're offered a brand new house. Until they discover it's in a different state! The Mayor of Elmore has decided they are bringing down the real estate value of the entire town so the family have to prove that they're upstanding members of the community.
"The Line"
>The family has waited in line outside the movie theater all night. They are devastated when Larry tells them they won't get into the first screening of the Stellar Odyssey sequel. But, hardcore fans that they are, the Wattersons are determined to be the first to see the movie and so set about battling their way to the front of the queue.