No.95099851 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"dude this show is so deep and depressing bro"
>show is just entry level existentialist nihilism and a plebeian understanding of marxism and critical thinking
>protagonist is a generally well off individual who has no reason to be depressed besides "dude depression lmao" even when they can afford to buy anti depressants
>alcoholism is romanticised, maaaybe a background character smokes weed, characters will go through fake trip out scene with non hallucinogenic drugs
>show acts anti god, but only really attacks religious institutions like the church, and it's from an uneducated perspective on actual church corruption, just "dude the people's opiate lmao"
>character development goes around in circles but acts like the ongoing story actually matters
>animation is a secondary thought and usually cheap, instead of something that reflects the admittedly shallow but existing themes of the show

What are some actual, genuinely deep animated shows out there? I hear the Maxx is pretty kino.