Secret Empire Omega

No.95013734 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So what can we expect from Secret Empire Omega?

>>Bucky/Songbird/Mach-2 reunited with Ghost and Jolt as the new Thunderbolts. Moonstone, Atlas, and Fixer are MIA because fuck you, that's why

>>Confirmation that Bucky murdered poor Zemo between the last two issues because SJW will never tolerate a reformed Nazi anti-hero

>>Spencer retconning the flesh and blood Americops as androids per Coates critical research failure usage of them; possibly bringing the original Americop back (because Falcon needs a nemesis)

>>Miles contemplating taking on the mantle of Black Widow but changing his mind so he can continue to ride Peter's coattails/mooch off Peter's brand

>>Rage waking up from his coma

>>Hydra Cap and Kobik created OG Cap merging, after Hydra Cap repents everything and admits that OG Cap is the real deal in order to remove the character from the board before any other writer fucks him up

>>Thor being treated like dogshigt by everyone and ends up being invited to live with Pymtron, because no one will have him around

>>Deadpool getting away with EVERYTHING evil he did, with the zinger being that Speedball (who he imprisoned) having died in one of the Hydra jails and Deadpool joking about it with ZERO guilt for sending Robbie to his death

>>Crossbones as the new Red Skull (because why not at this point?)