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>>The Captain Marvel movie coming from Marvel Studios has revealed minimal details ahead of its production. The film will follow up the titular heroine's introduction in Avengers: Infinity War, with Brie Larson in the role under the direction of Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck.

>>Now, the scientist behind some of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most detailed and intriguing moments has revealed a connection between Captain Marvel and an already released Marvel Studios film: Ant-Man. As the story goes, Captain Marvel's powers will be better understood with explanation of the Quantum-verse introduced in Ant-Man, according to Dr. Spiros Michalakis, a quantum physicist and staff researcher at the California Institute of Technology.

>>"This is exciting for the future," Michalakis said. "There are different ways that some of these ideas appear on-screen in a few years. Not just for Ant-Man, but also for Captain Marvel and all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe."