Danny Phantom Dating Sim the Movie 4Ever

No.88687775 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Alright, now that the results are in for the poll on who the main character should be(http://www.strawpoll.me/11939349), it seems pretty clear that the majority of people want the same thing, so the star of this shall indeed be Danny. With this out of the way, progress on the writing and story can FINALLY begin. Now that I finally know who the star is, I've started coming up with the overall story/events. I already have a few events in mind planned out, so progress is being made.

Next, since we've decided to do characters in waves so as not to become too overwhelmed by making everyone at once, we need to discuss who should be in the first wave among other details.

In terms of art, there's another important point that needs addressing; how is the layout of the dialogue/scenes going to look in terms of what is shown? From what I've seen, daying sims/VNs have two different ways of showing characters having a conversation. The first style is to depict only the character that is being talked to, facing them head on, with the player always out of sight, as if we're seeing it through the eges of the main character. (Example: http://images.nintendolife.com/screenshots/23322/full.jpg)
The second style is to depict both the characters in the conversation on the screen at the same time, so that we see them talking to one another. (Example: https://www.hookedgamers.com/images/900/ace_attorney_investigations_miles_edgeworth/screenshot_nds_ace_attorney_investigations_miles_edgeworth035.jpg)

So the next major order of business, in addition to the one already mentioned above, is; which of these two styles should be done?