No.88574204 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Go to the comic con of my country
>Independent comics autograph zone
>Big queues in all of the stands
>I see an old man who works with obscure newspaper strips
>He selled nothing in the entiry day and no one knows him
>Even the most obscure guys have one or two fans in their stands
>He seems very sad and tired
>I give up on waiting in the queues to sign my indie shit knowing that i will get nothing
>I read the name on his board
>"Hey Mr.____ I'm a big fan!"
>I buy some of his books
>He can't stop talking about his work. I show interest pretending to know his work and characters
>I am very tense, afraid of what he will ask
>I sit next to him to hear more about the book, he makes me a autograph with a full page doodle
>"Keep doing a good work!"

Why i still feel bad? Was i in the right for lying to make a old man feel better?