Damage Control

No.87443589 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Promote fanboy to major executive position instead of somebody with business sense
>flood TV and movie theaters with movies and shows nobody wants
>"look at me!" fanboy event comics for attention, artistic integrity be damned

I don't see how anybody can see this as a good thing. All DC is doing is pandering to whiners for a quick buck. They don't care about the stories artists and writers want to make, just what some fat virgin wants. They ignore the HUGE audience that doesn't have comics made for them, basically telling everyone who isn't white that they don't deserve heroes.

This is horrible for the industry and shows just how desperate they are. Marvel is playing it incredibly smart by sticking to their guns and trying to expand their market, because basement dwellers are not a sustainable audience.

Seriously, how can anyone look at DC and not think to themselves "yup, that's a company in its death throes". They're just not making it work any more, and the reboot and huge ad blitz that was meant to fix everything? The ads didn't bring in the number of readers DC needed, and the "reboot" just caused a fucking jawdropping mess that's dragged the quality of stories even further down the drain.

Then they killed Vertigo. They fucking killed Vertigo. WB said "wait, why the fuck do you have an entire line of books where creators have rights? Fuck that, change the contracts so that you own EVERYTHING you publish and trample over creators as much as possible," and DC did it. They fucking did it. One of the dumbest moves ever made by a comic company, up there with direct distribution, letting the speculator market spiral out of controland the DC Explosion.

DC's dying, at least the comic division. The properties are somewhat viable for movies and TV, but the comics? HA. It's been common knowledge that DC sucks for years now. This is pretty much a death rattle for Damage Control. I'll be shocked if they're even above Image in 5 years.

RIP. You won't be missed.