No.86495316 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"The divisions that happened at the end of CIVIL WAR were so deep they’re not the kind of things you can resolve or move through off-camera; they’re the kind of things you have to directly deal with in the storytelling. That’s our philosophical approach to how we handle those things.”

>"That was one of our favourite things about CIVIL WAR – that it ended in a difficult place where it’s hard to imagine what the road forward exactly is for both Tony Stark, Steve Rogers and these two sides that have suffered the consequences of this division. On a storytelling level, it is a very difficult place and yes, that is very much the condition of the world as we move forward after CIVIL WAR. This very much sets the stage for where INFINITY WAR begins – it’s a place of a strong divide.”

>"We always thought of this movie as the start of the war. It's not over yet."