No.86166548 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lori acts bossy and condescending towards her younger siblings because over the years she's had to watch her family grow. Not only have her parents have had to pay more attention to all the other children in the family, Lori had to grow up watching her sisters and one brother grow up to be more unique than she is. One sister appearing to be a dumb blonde is actually an artist, another sister is a multi-instrumentalist, another cracks jokes nonstop, another is efficient and innovative in sports activities. Her little brother is unique in his own right by being the only son in the family. Lucy writes poetry, Lana is a skilled handyworker, Lola is skilled at getting what she wants, Lisa graduated college at 4, and Lily despite being a baby, will likely continue the trend of having something unique to her. Even though Lori is the oldest, she is the least talented among her brother and sisters. And she knows this. That's why she needs Bobby. Someone who accepts her for who she is despite having to unique qualities whatsoever.