feminists pussy out on this aspect of /co/lture

No.86015536 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>women will never be genuine comic fans and buy premium figs
>they'll never 'justify' spending 300-1000 dollars on a statue
>women will just call it a stupid purchase and never understand the value of these amazing sculpts
>they'll try to brush it off and say they didn't want it or call it sexist
>unlike other industries, the premium figure market knows that women are full of hot shit and will never abandon cheesecake to appease these bitches
>figure industry is too based to fall for the equality meme and will keep producing these "feminist" heroines like Captain Marvel and Hela with fat tits, skintight suits, and male gaze poses
>you can pretend to buy comics you rosaries but you will never take our figs

Eat hot shit in a landfill you cunts. You'll never actually shell out real money for this cause. I'm gonna be over here jizzing over my future d-cup and camel toe Kamala Khan statues while you bitches continue to ruin Marvel sales.