No.82209772 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I;m reading the first couple of issues of eb Warriors, and despite the name, I really like it. The art is great, the coloring is just... unf, and the Electro plot is original and not at all contrived like say, a multiversal conglomerate of Sinister Six or Osborn would be (come ON). But I was skeptical of it. It makes a lot of mentions of dead Spider-Men and Spider-Man is my absolute favorite hero, so it's a sore spot. It's like salt on the wound, It's weir to read a spider book and have Peter Parker NOT be front and center, but this surprisingly compensates for that.

I'm on issue two, but I saw one anon saw that they're taking suggestions for which Spiders to bring back to life! I'm really hoping for assassin or Marvel Adventures. Who do you want to see?

Shit, maybe they'll save Last Stand Spidey in Happy Birthday. Best suit ever.