No.81223065 ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT:We write horrible plots for a family guy episode.

I'll start.

>Episode opens with Brian courting a girl at a bar.
>It turns south quickly as Brian makes some dumb snarky comment about the girl's large breasts resulting in her splashing her drink in his face.
>Cut to Brian arriving home.
>Complains that females are supper jaded.
>Peter agrees as Louis wouldn't let him ride the mechanical horse in front of the super market.(leads to a cut-away with peter riding the mechanical horse by punching another kid off of it and riding it as if he's trying to make a get-away.)
>Brian continues conversing with peter saying he wishes he could just have a female to get his rocks off.
>Cut-away to the next day at the clam.
>TV shows a debate with Trump and running opponent.
>Opponent:"If America is going to get any better we need to make decisions that can better it and not get us into more battles overseas costing us more money in army's and militarized weapons!"
>Trump:"I was once on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Arie and Will Smith is a charming young man."
>Crowd goes wild.