No.81029692 ViewReplyOriginalReport
She suffered more than anyone else in this series.

>simple technician following orders, she had no personal politics and just wanted to get her work out of the way
>every single simple task was met with militant left-wings acting destructive and disorderly, she had good reason not to put up with them
>dutifully reported on the scene to her higher-ups and rightfully dealt with these troublemakers; can't be held accountable for the actions of her escort and informant but even after apprehending the militants still got treated like shit just for wanting to do her job ("Go to Earth they said, it'll be easy they said")
>at this point is rightfully angry with them, you would be too
>can't even deal with them without losing a good chunk of her equipment; with no consideration has her limb enhancers (which are very important to her work; essentially is useless and defenseless without them) tossed aside and comes to in a place that's soon to completely collapse in on itself
>forced into the Crystal Gem lifestyle and mentality from there on in
>when she FINALLY gets a conference with her superior proposes some very sound ideas only to be AGAIN treated like shit just for trying to keep it together, rightfully says "fuck you" to her boss and now has no option but to accept life as a Crystal Gem on the doomed earth

To boot, just naturally going along with her work put her into this personal and philosophical crisis. I would never wish that on even my worst enemy.